Ian McCall Codes

I Believe I Can PreFlight!

CORS webdev perl mod_perl

This is a follow up to my previous post about CORS with mod_perl, I wrote a little bit about CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing) and about setting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header from mod_perl. If you haven’t read it, I would recommend doing so (and not just because I wrote it :wink:).

On thing that I didn’t write about was CORS “PreFlight”. Under certain conditions the browser will first send a request to the server using the OPTIONS method. The response to this request determines if the browser even sends the actual request. This OPTIONS request is the “PreFlight”, and it will have additional Access-Control-Request-* headers. And the response will require more headers as well, beyond just the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for a simple CORS request/response.

There is some variation between browsers, but in general a CORS request will be “preflighted” if:

  • It uses a method other than GET, HEAD, or POST
  • The method is POST and the Content-type is something other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain
  • Custom headers are in the request

The OPTIONS request will have two new headers (in addition to the Origin header), Access-Control-Request-Method and Access-Control-Request-Headers. Access-Control-Request-Method will be the method that the browser will use for the actual request (ex. POST). Access-Control-Request-Headers will be a comma separated list of header names that the server will need to approve. That will include any custom headers along with Content-type.

One thing that the OPTIONS request will NOT have is payload data. Similar to GET and HEAD, the request will only contain a path and headers. So, if the OPTIONS request is sent ahead of a POST request, you will not be able to inspect the body of the request to determine if the requester is authorized. In this case, you could either require an application key in a header or as a url parameter as part of your API. Or you could optimistically respond positively to the OPTIONS request and then accept or reject the actual request, since the actual CORS request will still have the Origin header.

In response to the OPTIONS request the server should send these headers

  • Just as with a simple CORS request, the response should have an Access-Control-Allow-Origin which matches the Origin header in the request.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Methods, which should be a comma separated list of HTTP methods that the server allows. This should include the method from Access-Control-Request-Method.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Headers, which should be a comma separated list of allowed headers, and should contain the headers from Access-Control-Request-Headers.
  • Access-Control-Max-Age, which is the number of seconds the the response can be cached for. The browser will have a maximum value, which will override Access-Control-Max-Age if the header value is greater.

All of these headers should be sent in the response for it to be accepted by the browser. If it all checks out, the browser will send the actual request.

In Apache mod_perl, you will want to start by inspecting the method attribute of the request.

if ($r->method =~ /OPTIONS/i) {
    # Pre-Flight checks!

Then you can set the proper headers by using $r->err_headers_out->add

$r->err_headers_out->add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => $origin);
$r->err_headers_out->add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "POST,GET,OPTIONS");
$r->err_headers_out->add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers" => $r->headers_in->get("Access-Control-Request-Headers"));
$r->err_headers_out->add("Access-Control-Max-Age" => "43200");

If the handler that contains this code is going to be followed by another handler, it may be a good idea to communicate to the next handler that is is a pre-flight request. We can to that easily using $r->pnotes

$r->pnotes("CORS_PreFlight" => 1);
